Electricity is a vital part of our lives, and it powers almost everything we use in our daily routines. However, electrical systems can be quite complex and require professional help when something goes wrong. When you’re faced with an electrical issue, it’s essential to call a licensed electrician to avoid any hazards. However, before calling an electrician, there are a few things you should check to ensure that the problem is not something you can fix yourself. In this article, we will discuss seven things to check before calling an electrician.

Circuit Breaker

The first thing you should check is the circuit breaker. If an electrical device suddenly stops working, check the circuit breaker to see if it has tripped. Sometimes, a circuit breaker can trip if there is an overload on the circuit. In such a case, you can easily reset the circuit breaker by moving the switch back to its original position. However, if the circuit breaker trips repeatedly, it might be a sign of a more significant electrical issue that requires professional attention.


If you’re experiencing electrical problems, another thing to check is the outlets. Sometimes, outlets can become loose or damaged, causing electrical issues. Check to see if any of the outlets feel loose or if there are any visible signs of damage. If you find any issues, it’s best to call an electrician to repair or replace the outlet.

Light Bulbs

If a light fixture suddenly stops working, it’s worth checking the light bulb before calling an electrician. Sometimes, the bulb can become loose or burn out, causing the light to stop working. Try replacing the bulb with a new one to see if that solves the issue. However, if the new bulb doesn’t work, it might be a sign of a more significant electrical issue that requires professional attention.

Frayed Wires

Frayed wires can be a significant hazard and can cause electrical problems. If you notice any frayed wires around your home, it’s essential to call an electrician immediately. Frayed wires can cause electrical shocks or even start a fire. If you’re unsure if a wire is frayed, it’s best to call a licensed electrician to inspect the wiring.

Overloaded Circuits

Overloaded circuits can cause circuits to trip, which can be a sign of a more significant electrical issue. When you plug too many devices into one circuit, it can overload the circuit and cause it to trip. If you notice that a particular circuit is tripping regularly, try unplugging some of the devices to see if that solves the issue. However, if the circuit continues to trip regularly, it’s best to call an electrician to inspect the wiring.

Flickering Lights

Flickering lights can be a sign of a few different issues. Sometimes, it can be a sign that the light bulb needs to be replaced. However, if the flickering continues after replacing the bulb, it might be a sign of a more significant electrical issue. Flickering lights can also be a sign of loose wiring, which can be a significant hazard. If you’re experiencing flickering lights, it’s best to call a licensed electrician to inspect the wiring.

Burning Smells

If you smell burning around your home, it’s essential to turn off the electrical source immediately and call an electrician. Burning smells can be a sign of an electrical fire, and it’s essential to address the issue immediately. Electrical fires can be dangerous and can cause significant damage to your home. If you smell burning, turn off the electrical source and call an electrician immediately.


Electrical issues can be quite complex, and it’s essential to call a licensed electrician to address any problems you’re experiencing. However, before calling an electrician, there are a few things you can check to ensure that the problem is not something you can fix yourself. Checking the circuit breaker, outlets, light bulbs, frayed wires, overloaded circuits, flickering lights, and burning smells can help you identify the issue and determine if you need to call an electrician. By taking these steps, you can ensure that your home is safe and that your electrical system is working correctly.

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